Congratulations To All Our Winners
At our Awards Afternoon there was much for the club to remember and celebrate. Our award winners are listed below but the transcript for the afternoons award speech is also attached which details our pride in the club over the past year.
Most Improved on the Learn to Dive Programme:
Daniel Gregg
Charlie Horseman
George Finlay
Aeryn Carter
Harry Pratley Smith
Poppy Wilson
Isabelle Green
Ruby Royall
Au’reia Chapman
Poppy-Rae Fern
Right Track Special Recognition for Improvement and Performance
Sam Roberts
Thomas Oxlade
Ellie Petter
Ariana Fox
Alice Jones
Significant Progress in Novice Diving during 2022/23.
Amy Gregg
Significant Progress in Advanced Diving
Meah Thorngate
Presidents Cup
Hannah Ashdown and Naya Sogut
Supportive Diver Award
Hernan Mosqueda Jolly
Challenge Award
Finlay Stratford
Keith Meek Volunteer Award
Tracy Ashdown and Kate Butler
Youth Coach Development Award
Grace Butler
Mary Kinghorn Coach Trophy
Lizzy Cullen
Chris Barker Shield
Joe Foster
Read the awards speech here.