Peter Waterfield Competition

Congratulations to the Albatross Skills Squad divers competing today at Southampton Quays in the annual Peter Waterfield competition. Over the 7 hour event Albatross had divers in every event with gold medals being won by Millan in Boys E, Thomas in Boys D and Ariana in Girls C. Sam concluded the medal haul with a sixth place in Boys C.

Coaches Malcolm and Charlie said afterwards that they were pleased with the divers, many of whom were competing new dives for the first time and others who had battled nerves on some of their lists in the preceding weeks. All are now looking forward to joining with their club Age Group and Elite teammates and heading across the Irish Sea at the end of this month for the 2023 Irish Open Diving Championships hosted by Swim Ireland.

Thank you to Southampton Diving Academy for hosting todays enjoyable event, to Malcolm and Charlie for coaching and judging and to all our supportive families for being there for your Albatross team.