Dear all
The date for the Albatross Annual General Meeting for this year will be Monday 30 October, it will be held at The Abbey School at 6:00pm. The meeting will be in a classroom close to the pool crossing both Skills and Age/Group/Elite training sessions (which will carry on unaltered in the pool) to encourage the widest possible attendance by parents and older divers who are currently or wish to be involved with the clubs operations.
At the meeting you will hear about how we have grown this year and how, together, we plan to grow and develop further over the coming year as we prepare for the opening of the new Rivermead pool next summer. The AGM is also the forum to make any amendments to the Club Constitution and fee structure. The accounts will be presented but there is no proposal to change the fees at this point. Once we know more about the proposed GLL charging structure and our programme going forward we will likely need an EGM late spring which we are able to call under our Constitution and Fee Amendment Agreement.
You have seen how we have had new competition tracksuits this year, and hear how we have arranged a successful and well attended social BBQ awards afternoon and how we are looking for grant support to purchase a new trampoline for dry training to go alongside the new kit installed at our sportshall dry training site at Rivermead. We also look forward to our first international competition since 2019 this autumn in Ireland.
We have an informative website and Facebook page, but we are always looking at ways to improve communication and your input to this would be valuable, especially as we look to ensure we maintain club identity and a feeling of unity across all members as the new pool opens.You will have heard me say many times that a key attribute for any Club Member is patience, we develop, we grow and it takes time and effort, but the rewards are there in your children’s pleasure in their chosen sport.
One of the functions of the AGM is to elect a Committee for the year ahead with the Executive Committee of Chair, Treasurer and Secretary standing down for re-election. Members declare an interest in becoming involved or continuing with their involvement in the Clubs operation.
Nominations are required in advance of the meeting for the posts of:
Chair Secretary Treasurer Welfare Officer
Each one of you have the attributes needed to contribute to the ongoing development and success of Albatross. Some may enjoy being part of the Committee with a hands on role while others might prefer to be attached to specific tasks which support the day to day operation of to the Club but not wish to attend Committee meetings (of which there are only about 4 a year).
Thank you.
Emma West