Albatross Diving Club Code Of Conduct
Albatross Diving Club is committed to providing a club environment in which all children and young people participating in its activities have a safe and positive experience. As an organisation affiliated to Swim England, Albatross Diving Club has adopted Wavepower 2020/23 Safeguarding Policy and Procedures. The aim of Wavepower is to safeguard all children in line with current legislation regulations and guidance. The Albatross Diving Club Code of Ethics should be read alongside this Code of Conduct.
Under the Albatross Diving Club Code of Conduct the Club agrees to:
- Recognise that all children participating in Albatross Diving Club regardless of age, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ability, or disability have a right to enjoy their involvement in diving in a safe environment and be protected from harm.
- Ensure that those individuals, who work with children in the Club, whether paid or voluntary, provide a positive, safe, and enjoyable experience for children. They will ensure that all activities are properly supervised, and consent is obtained for any activity outside of that previously agreed.
- Appoint a Club Welfare Officer with the necessary skills and training as outlined by Swim England who will take the lead in dealing with all child safeguarding matters raised within the Club.
- Ensure that the Club Welfare Officers name and contact details are known to all staff, club members and parents of members.
- The Welfare Officer to be available to discuss issues of concern on matters of safeguarding and deal with such concerns appropriately and in line with Wavepower 2020/23.
- Ensure all those persons who work with children as part of their responsibilities to Albatross Diving Club have undertaken appropriate training, hold relevant DBS checks and adhere to the required practices for safeguarding children as outlined in Wavepower 2020/23.
- Ensure that all individuals who will be working or will work with children in the Club have been recruited in accordance with the Swim England Safe Recruitment Policy.
- Ensure that all individuals who work with children in the Club have the appropriate training and Codes of Conduct and good practice to follow in line with the guidance in Wavepower 2020/23.
- Provide all club members and parents of members with the opportunity to raise concerns in a safe and confidential manner if they have a concern about a child’s welfare.
- Ensure that all child safeguarding matters, whether they be concerns about child welfare or protection, are dealt with appropriately in accordance with the guidance for reporting and action in Wavepower 2020/23. Should your child become ill they will ensure their wellbeing until collected by an authorised adult.
- Ensure that confidentiality is maintained appropriately and in line with the best interests of the child. Ensure all papers relating to child safeguarding matters are held in a safe and secure manner.
In return for this, as members of Albatross Diving Club (divers, coaches, volunteers, and parents) have specific roles and responsibilities. These roles and responsibilities represent the basic agreement between diver, coach, and parent/carer. They are referred to as the Code of Conduct and must be always adhered to during club sessions and competitions, whether this is at our home pool or any other venue where training or a competition is taking place.
The reputation of the Club rests not only on a diver’s competitive success. Behaviour and appearance when representing the Club are also important. Albatross Diving Club expects all divers, coaches, parents/carers, and supporters to uphold sporting values and show respect to all fellow divers, coaches, and officials whether at home or away. Be sure to always set a good example and make your club proud.
Albatross Diving Club acknowledges the importance of the role undertaken by our coaches over that expected of them to safeguard our children and the important role they, and all our volunteers play in putting Swim England Safeguarding Policies and Procedures into practice. It recognises that, as safe and trusted adults, our children may confide in you to disclose concerns about abuse, in the knowledge that you are a person of trust who will help get that concern addressed in a proper and confidential manner. We want you to enjoy your time coaching with the Club and feel supported in your role and the Club will provide access to ongoing training and CPD in all aspects of your position. You are respected and will be treated fairly by Albatross Diving Club, made to feel welcome, valued and listened to.
All coaches should familiarise themselves with Wavepower 2020/23 paying particular attention to the Guidance for Coaches given on pages 108-110.
Specific Roles and Responsibilities:
- At all times adhere to:
- The Swim England Code of Ethics, Rules and Regulations
- Wavepower 2020/23 (including the Swim England Child Safeguarding Policy and Procedures)
- the Swim England Equality and Diversity Policy
- Albatross Diving Club Constitution, safeguarding procedures, Club Code of Ethics
- Be punctual and take reasonable steps to inform divers/parents of changes to sessions.
- Keep an attendance register for your divers and know where they are always during a training session.
- Develop positive relationships by maintaining communication with parents and divers, keeping them informed. Work to develop relationships with divers, parents and other coaches based on openness, honesty, mutual trust, and respect listening to any concerns the parent/guardian or child may have and seek advice (where appropriate) to resolve any concerns.
- Consistently display high standards of behaviour and appearance. Wear appropriate poolside dress.
- Always keep poolside and gym discipline, enforce safety rules rigorously and ensure all equipment is safe to use.
- Ensure your divers understand what is always required of them. Put the well-being, health, and safety of members above all considerations including developing performance.
- Avoid coaching divers on the board, in the water or across the pool where possible. Ensure there is appropriate staffing ratios when coaching and use safe methods of instruction and techniques by putting safety first. Use positive and constructive methods when coaching and ensure programmes are appropriate for the age, ability, and experience of the child.
- Always put the wellbeing, health, and safety of the child before all other considerations including the development of performance.
- Always use appropriate verbal and body language. Swearing, offensive language or aggressive or offensive behaviour are not acceptable.
- Create and maintain an environment free of fear and harassment. Treat all divers with respect and dignity, value their worth and treat everyone equally, recognising their needs and abilities within the context of their sport.
- Respect children’s trust and rights whilst being open and honest with them. Recognise and respect your position of trust and maintain appropriate boundaries and relationships with children as set out in Wavepower. Appropriate boundaries extend to the use of social media where coaches should not have children as friends within their social media groups.
- Consider your behaviour and do not engage in any behaviour that constitutes any form of abuse or leads to discomfort in others. Never use your position to obtain personal benefit and ensure that you do not expose yourself to allegation through your own misjudged behaviour. Adhere to Wavepower as your guide and seek advice from the Welfare Officer where necessary.
- Promote the concept of a balanced lifestyle and support the well-being of all divers in and out of the sport.
- Respect and champion the right of every individual to take part in diving, celebrate difference in our club by not discriminating against anyone on the grounds of gender, race, sexual orientation, faith, or ability.
- Refer all concerns of a child safeguarding nature to the Welfare Officer in line with the procedures contained in Wavepower 2020/23.
- Encourage divers to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance. Challenge and address instances of poor, negative, aggressive, or bullying behaviour amongst children. Seek advice from the Welfare Officer where necessary.
- Ensure team/squad selection is clear and transparent and be fair and equal when making decisions. Coaches should not spend excessive amounts of time with one member to the detriment of the squad/team.
- A coach should not leave the training venue before all members have been collected or are continuing to be supervised by appropriate Albatross Officers.
- Follow the club procedure should a child have an accident or suffer an injury.
- Continue to seek and maintain your own development in line with your role and complete a Swim England approved child safeguarding training course every three years in line with Wavepower 2020/23 guidance. Keep your coaching and CPD qualifications up to date and ensure that your DBS remains current.
- Treat all information of a personal nature about individual divers as confidential, except in circumstances where to do so will allow the child to be placed at risk of harm or continue to be at risk of harm.
- Lead by example promoting positive behaviour. Encourage all divers to obey the spirit of the rules and regulations both in and out of the pool. Never encourage or condone divers, volunteers, officials, or parents to violate the rules of the Club or the sport and report any violations appropriately.
- Observe the authority and the decision of officials and only question those decisions in an appropriate manner.
Breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action being taken against you by the Albatross Diving Club Committee under the judicial regulations.
Name (please print) ……………………………………………………………….……………………………….
Signed ……………………………………… Date …………….…………………………….